Rabu, 19 Mac 2014

Hari 1 (Pulau Karimun & Pulau Kundur, Kepulauan Riau (Kepri), Indonesia - 28 Februari hingga 02 Mac 2014) - Menaiki Bas ke Pontian.

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26/02/2014 (Rabu)

Hari ini, ketika sedang melihat News Feed Facebook saya, terbaca pula posting oleh Pak Nasir (id Facebook: Mdnasir Ahmad), salah seorang jurulatih sebuah agensi latihan kerajaan di bawah Jabatan Perdana Menteri, di mana saya pernah berkhidmat satu ketika dahulu, mengatakan beliau akan berkembara lagi ke beberapa daerah di Sumatera mulai 01/03/2014.

Sebenarnya perkara ini sudah lama beliau utarakan mengenai kembara ini. Saya pun amat berminat untuk mengikutinya. Asalnya beliau merancang untuk melaksanakan pada bulan Mei atau Jun, namun diawalkan, kerana beliau merancang akan mengadakan kembara berbasikal 1Malaysia, mengelilingi Semenanjung Malaysia (yang kembara basikal ini saya tak dapat nak ikut, satu, kerana tiada basikal (bukan alasan sebenarnya), dua, kecederaan kaki akibat kemalangan motosikal 2 tahun lepas (eh, kelmarin (25 Februari) ulangtahun kedua la), masih terasa di bawah lutut, kalau melaksanakan tugas berat seperti mengayuh, akan terasa sakitnya. Jadi, sebab itu beliau mengawalkan kembaranya. Setelah mengetahui beliau hendak mengawalkan kembaranya dan cuti saya pula tak lah banyak (pasal masih awal tahun), maka saya dengan berat hati untuk tidak menyertai beliau.

Namun hari ini tergerak hati pula hendak mengikuti beliau, walaupun sekadar ke Pulau Karimun. Maklumlah, ni pertama kali ke provinsi (macam negeri la kalau di Malaysia) Kepulauan Riau (Kepri), Indonesia. Sudah lama tak ke Indonesia, itu pun dah 12 tahun lepas semasa bertugas di anak syarikat sebuah syarikat oil & gas milik pemerintah (kerajaan) Indonesia (pasal kalau di belakang nama syarikat tu ada Persero, bermakna syarikat pemerintah lah tu). Herannya dulu semasa bertugas di Johor Bahru (JB), tidak pula saya ke Kepri, walau dah dekat. Bila kenang balik rugi la pula, huhuhu... Barang yang lepas janganlah dikenang...

Dahulu sebelum tahun 2004, Kepri ini merupakan sebahagian dari Provinsi Riau di Sumatera, tetapi pada tahun tersebut berpisah. Jadi jika mahu tahu lebih lanjut, boleh rujuk Wikipedia mengenai Provinsi Kepulauan Riau atau Google sahaja untuk maklumat lanjut. Di bawah ini adalah beberapa peta berkaitan dengan kembara ini untuk rujukan...

 Peta Provinsi Kepulauan Riau (Kepri), Indonesia

Peta Pulau Karimun

Memandangkan bila tengok jadual, hujung minggu ini macam saya tiada buat apa, terus saya bagi komen di dalam posting Pak Nasir yang saya nak ikut beliau tapi sampai Karimun sahaja. Dari Karimun, saya beritahu Pak Nasir bahawa saya akan pulang sendiri melalui Singapura dan Johor Bahru terus ke KL. Dia respon, dia setuju dan menyuruh saya tunggu di Kukup, Pontian, Johor di mana terdapatnya Jeti Antarabangsa untuk feri ke Pulau Karimun. Terus saya tempah tiket bas ke Pontian untuk perjalanan malam di laman web Terminal Bersepadu Selatan (TBS), Bandar Tasik Selatan (BTS) di TBS eTicketing. Huh, ada pula perkhidmatan jam 23:30 (11:30 malam), apa lagi ambil bas tu la. Pasal biasanya bas akan mengambil masa 6 jam, tapi kalau malam mahu lagi laju! (Pasal masa bertugas di JB dulu kalau naik bas ke KL waktu siang mahu 5 1/2 jam tapi bila naik waktu malam, 3 jam dah sampai!!!). Jadi rasa insya Allah sempat lah sampai. Terus tempah & cetak eTiket dulu, lepas tu nanti kena bawa untuk ditukar kepada tiket sebenar di TBS nanti. Senang sungguh sekarang ni.

Untuk pengetahuan, Pak Nasir ni sebenarnya orang Semerah, Batu Pahat, kira orang kampung saya la, cuma dia dah lama menetap di Alor Gajah... Dah beberapa kali ajak, jadi kali ni, kita terimalah ajakan orang. Nanti dah ajak berkali-kali, tapi tak pergi, muak pula dia... Hehehe...

Macam tak sabar pula nak tunggu malam Sabtu nanti untuk ke Pontian... PONTIAN!!! KAU TUNGGU AKU!!!

Hendak cerita pasal Pulau Karimun dengan Kepri (orang Indonesia suka pendekkan istilah macam Jawa Barat jadi Jabar, Narkotik dan Obatan Berbahaya dipanggil Narkoba (kita kata dadah sahaja), dan dalam kes ini adalah Kepulauan Riau), tak banyak yang tau pasal tak pernah pergi... Rasa rugi pula, pasal dulu kerja di Johor Bahru (JB), dah dekat dah, tapi tak pergi... Amat rugi... Apa yang tahu, orang Kepri ini cara cakap dia macam orang Malaysia (terutama orang Selangor, Melaka & Johor) cakap. Bagi yang memang asal Kepri la, bukan yang emigrasi (berpindah masuk) ke Kepri ni. Tak silap, arwah datuk sebelah ibu saya (orang Johor) kata saya ada saudara di belah-belah sini... Wallahu a'lam...

Sebelum ni dah tukar duit Indonesia (Rupiah atau singkatanya Rp) di pengurup wang member, Zul Khan di Akbar Money Changer Sdn Bhd di Jalan Melaka (depan Bank Muamalat)... Asalnya untuk kembara ke Batam minggu depannya. Tapi dah ada peluang nak ke Karimun ni, guna dulu lah duit ni. Tukar sebanyak RM300 dapat Rp 1 047 000... Jutawan gue!!! Ni antara gambarajah duit-duit Rupiah yang dapat.

Nota Rp 1000 = +- 30 sen Malaysia

Nota Rp 5000 = +- RM1.50

Nota Rp 10 000 (versi tahun 2012) = +- RM3.00

Nota Rp 50 000 (versi tahun 2005) = +- RM15.00

Nota Rp 100 000 (versi tahun 2004) = +- RM30.00

Nota Rp 100 000 (versi tahun 2013) = +- RM30.00

Sambil-sambil tu bawa juga duit SIngapura yang memang ada dalam simpanan (simpan dari duit yang dah tukar dulu tambah duit-duit raya anak-anak (sendiri jadi pengurup wang, ambil duit Singapura ganti duit Malaysia untuk masuk dalam akaun Tabung Haji anak-anak). Kerana perancangan saya, apabila pulang dari Karimun nanti, balik melalui Terminal Bas Larkin, JB melalui Singapura. Disebabkan kekerapan bas ke KL lebih banyak di sana berbanding di Pontian. 

 5 cent Singapura = +- 13 sen Malaysia

10 cent Singapura = +- 26 sen Malaysia

20 cent Singapura = +- 52 sen Malaysia

50 cent Singapura = +- RM 1.30

SG$ 1.00 = +- RM 2.60

SG$ 2.00 (lama (kertas) masih guna) = +- RM 5.20

SG$ 2.00 (baru (polimer)) = +- RM 5.20

SG$ 5.00 (lama (kertas) masih guna) = +- RM 13.00

SG$ 5.00 (baru (polimer)) = +- RM 13.00

SG$ 10.00 (lama (kertas) masih guna) = +- RM 26.00

SG$ 10.00 (baru (polimer)) = +- RM 26.00

SG$ 50.00 (kertas) = +- RM 130.00

Selepas buat temu janji dengan Pak Nasir dan disahkan, maka selama 2 malam saya rasa tak sabar untuk mengembara buat kali ini...

28/02/2014 (Jumaat)

Hari yang dinanti telah tiba... Selepas pulang kerja, sambil-sambil buat kerja lain, sambil-sambil kemas beg Dueler Futura 28 liter yang menjadi teman mengembara selama 2 tahun... Tahan beg ni... Ye lah pasal nak bergerak dari rumah ke TBS nanti pukul 22:30 (10:30 malam) pasal bas pukul 22:30 (11:30 malam).

Tepat jam 22:30 (10:30 malam), selepas saya bersolat Isyak, bersalaman & mohon maaf daripada mak & keluarga, maka bergeraklah motorsikal ke TBS. Walaupun dah nak masuk lewat malam, tetapi kereta di DUKE & MRR2 agak banyak juga. Mungkin kerana malam ini adalah malam Sabtu, ramai nak pulang ke rumah atau ke kampung masing-masing.

Sampai je di TBS, terus naik parking tingkat 4, alhamdulillah ada juga parking. Tak perlu naik ke tingkat 5. Alhamdulillah parking di sini berbumbung. Boleh la berlindung dari berpanas sekarang ni (masa ini dah beberapa hari KL tak hujan). Parking pun free... Alhamdulillah...

(Maklumat terkini - 11 Julai 2014)
Agak tidak adil jika saya tidak meletakkan kadar parkir kereta, manalah tahu jika ada sesiapa yang mahu memakir kereta di sini. Kadarnya adalah RM3.00 per kemasukan per hari. Bermaksud, setiap kemasukan adalah RM3.00, jika anda masuk satu hari 3 kali maka RM3.00 darab 3 sama dengan RM9.00 sahaja. Jika anda parkir kereta sekali masuk tetapi memarkir tiga  hari contohnya, pengiraannya adalah RM3.00 darab 3 hari (walaupun hanya sekali masuk) sama dengan RM9.00 sahaja juga.

Kemudian terus ke tingkat 3 untuk tukar eTiket kepada tiket sebenar di kaunter khas. Tiket sebenar macam di bawah ni.

Memandangkan semasa sampai di TBS tadi baru pukul 23:00 (11:00 malam) maka berpusing dulu sekeliling, ambil gambar dan beli sedikit gula-gula Mentos pudina untuk elak mabuk (jika) atau rasa nak makan. TBS, memang hebat, terminal bas semacam lapangan terbang.

(Maklumat terkini pada 11 Julai 2014)
Kini anda boleh membuat penukaran matawang asing di TBS ini kerana sebuah pengurup wang francaisi Merchantrade iaitu Sumber Jalur Sdn Bhd telah dibuka di lot 17, tingkat 4 (setingkat dengan medan selera, tetapi berlawan dengannya, kiranya atas kaunter tiket TBS). Kadar tukaran (saya ambil kadar jualan iaitu jika kita hendak beli matawang itu) agak kompetitif, lebih kurang kadar di Masjid India atau Ampang Park, iaitu US$1.00 = RM3.21 dan ฿100 = RM10.20 (kadar pada 11 Julai 2014).

Juga anda boleh untuk ke klia2 melalui terminal TBS ini selain di KL Sentral. Dengan hanya RM10.00 sahaja, perkhidmatan bas Jetbus akan berangkat dari TBS setiap jam dari pukul 0300 (3:00 pagi) hingga 2300 (11:00 malam) setiap hari.

Jam 23:15 (11:15 malam) saya turun ke platform di tingkat 2, untuk menunggu bas. Serahkan tiket kepada petugas sebelum menaiki eskelator dan dicop. Pintu pelepasan bas saya di Pintu 1, betul-betul di hadapan eskalator. Ada bas menunggu tetapi bukan bas Mayang Sari ke Pontian. Bas  pukul 23:15 (11:15 malam) rupanya... Selepas bas tersebut beredar, sampailah bas saya... Ooo, bas ni singgah Muar & Batu Pahat rupanya... Tidak mengapalah, janji sampai Pontian jangan awal-awal... Jenuh tunggu pagi-pagi buta...

Ok untuk log perjalanan keesokan harinya, insya Allah akan bersambung ke Hari 2.

Atau ingin melihat:

If want to read in English: 

Jumaat, 14 Mac 2014

Part 2 (Hat Yai, Thailand - 21st to 22nd February 2014) - Around Hat Yai and Back To Malaysia.

Continue from Part 1.

To see itinerary 

Jika ingin membaca dalam Bahasa Melayu: 

(Please refer new schedule for KTM Intercity & KTM ETS at KTMB website, because the schedule has changed begin October 2015, thank you).

22/02/2014 (Saturday)

There already nearly 2 hours in waiting (the train was there but why did not move), I did not know, from very long groups of coaches to only a couple of coaches (one for berth coach & other for seated coach), a generator and a locomotive which had been change from KTM locomotive to ROT (Railways of Thailand) locomotive. Finally at 11:10 am, the Station Master blown the whistle to call all passanger to board the train. At 11:15 Malaysian time (yes still Malaysian time), the wheels were rolled on.  

At last,Sawasdee krap, at 10:25 am Thai time (because we were already enter Thailand's side of Padang Besar, plus Thai time is minus one hour than Malaysian time eg if 10:25 am so in Malaysia is 11:25 am).

Full of excitement,I forgot to take picture or video while the train crossed a gate, which a mark of Malaysian and Thailand border. Actually, this is my first time, crossing border of two countries with train (insya Allah the second time will be on a fortnight more (on 08 Mac 2014, crossing Malaysia - Singaporewith KTM InterCity Train 2 Senandung Sutera). Just past the border is Padang Besar town of Songkhla, Thailand or the local people either Malaysian or Thai call it Pekan Siam (litterally Siam Town) to differentiate with Padang Besar town of Perlis, Malaysia.

View of railway track at Thailand is like east and south Malaysia track noawaday or northern Malaysia track 10 years ago (before double track development and modernisation project). Surrounding view along Thailand railway side quite different  especially at roadways, townships and others. Malaysia has better quality but Thailand cement or concrete seem better. 

If the view of Phetkasem Road (Thailand Highway No. 4 / Asian Highway AH2), the estates and orchards seem very organised, but  at along railway side, very different. Less organised, as same as or worse that Malaysia's. I agreed with a South African passanger (tourist) (just listened what he said with some Malaysian students, who make a vacation to Krabi, actually they sat in front of me), Thailand's rural is less develop than Malaysia's rural.

Sometimes, it is good to travel with train, beside we will tired because of driving of vehicle (there will other people to be our  "driver"), we also can concentrate to see beautiful of view and nature.

After one hour and ten minutes, the train arrived at Hat Yai train station or exact name is Hat Yai Junction, because of Hat Yai station is junction of railway to west coast Malay Peninsular (via Padang Besar) and east coast Malay Peninsular (via Sungai Kolok, Narathiwat, Thailand (or Sungai Golok in Malay) to Rantau Panjang, Kelantan, Malaysia then meet main track at Pasir Mas, Kelantan Malaysia. Further north of the track will go to Bangkok, Thailand. 

The station, even though there are main station, but feel like remote station in Malay Peninsular. Platforms are very low (live no platforms), need to use steps to get down from the coach.  KTM Senandung Malam train will stop at platform 4. While I walked to the station from platform, I saw third class coaches to Bangkok (from a local said). Just simple fans (no air conditioned), wooden & straight (non adjustabled) seat. Standard level of Malaysian train much better than Thailand's.  

After that, unlike as Malaysia train station, here, you can straight away cross the track if the gates of the fences which seperated within tracks/platforms be opened and there are no train on the tracks. Unfortunately, when we want to across the track to go to station, the gates were closed and when there been opened, a train just arrived from north. I just remembered, when iur train just want to arrive, I saw a tunnel, so make a decision to find the tunnel and alhamdulillah, it actually not very far. But, the smell of the tunnel like sewerage tunnel. Lighting inside the tunnel was dark but it not so long. 

Then, I rushed to ticket counters for today trip (there are advanced ticket counters opposite the today trip counters). On the to the counters, I just saw prayer room for Muslim. So if in desperate to pray, I already know where to go. It situated just right of the main enterence to platforms, if you from tickets counters lobby.

With crossed finger, I hoped that there will have ticket to Padang Besar for 16:00 (4:00 pm) Thai time trip.

I asked at clerk or officer of the counter, "Excuse me, may you speak English?". He replied  "Can, can, yes sir, what can I help?", with Thai style (should know how it is). I asked for Padang Besar ticket, then alhamdulillah, still have and price of 57. What??? 57? So expensive (my mindset was still in Ringgit Malaysia). I just paused myself, hello, this this Thailand, not Malaysia, so I asked again, , "In ringgit or in baht?". "Thai money, sir" he answered. Pheww,
OK, so it was cheaper than in KL, which the price was RM13  (refer Part 1). So I gave to him 3 ฿20 notes and get back 3 coins of ฿1. 

I straight went out from station after got the ticket. Oh yea, at Thailand, people who involve in transport and tourism business were done their marketing since in the train!!! They actually jumped in, and in addition, many of them will keep promoting and asking you to take their services from in the train until outside station. So, if you do not want those services, keep in strict or just say "ma dai, ma dai".

At in front of train station, huh, all mode of transport from tuk tuk, mini van or songtheaw & motor taxi (motorcycle made to be a taxi (just a person can be taken), can be recognised with the rider wearing coloured vest).

Among Thai money, Baht (฿) that been used at Thailand:

฿1 (1 Baht) coin = +- Malaysian 10 sen

฿2 (2 Baht) coin = +- Malaysian 20 sen

฿20 (20 Baht) note = +- RM2

฿50 (50 Baht) note = +- RM5

฿100 (10 Baht) note = +- RM10

Then I just walked away to Hat Yai city centre... Actually train station and city centre just near.

I have showed here picture of Hotel Lee Gardens (below of the hotel got a shopping complex) & Centara, which is renowned city centre of Hat Yai.

Hay Yai is the third biggest city in Thailand after Bangkok & Chiangmai. Althought it is not a adminstation centre for Songkhla province (which on city of Songkhla, a smaller city, 30 km to northeast of Hat Yai), but this city become pulse not only to Songkhla province but also for Southern Thailand region. Actually Hat Yai is a young city, where established at early 20th century (1990s). For information, Malay name for Songkhla was Singgora.

Not far from station (about 200 m) there are a Robinson shopping centre (like The Store at Malaysia). Below Robinson at basement floor, there is a Tops supermarket (not same as a supermarket chain previously were at Malaysia with same name).

If can be seen, there is a orange Proton Savvy in this picture, Proton is quite famous in Hat Yai.

I only have 4 hours only to get arond Hat Yai city centre, because train to KL will depart at 16:00 (4 pm, eh I think I has already told above, hehehe), further more, main objective of this journey just to have an experience to travel with train to Hat Yai and my budget is so much, because of ad hoc decision. Beside that, I want to recce transport & logistic service for my journey planning  to Thailand - Myanmar where is Ranong & Kawthoung, which insya Allah, I will make it soon. Only I would not went to  Hat Yai bus station because there is very far by walking, beside a lock of time and money. As mentioned in other blogs, wikitravel, TripAdvisor and others site, this bus station quite easy as other transportation hub. 

Here I attached together city of Hat Yai scatch map for reference.

I kept on walking to Lee Garden area, to find SIM card (for make communication cheaper, if I roam my hand phone, I will be charged more expensive, for example, previously I just called my friend in Hat Yai for only 10 seconds and be charged RM6 on my bill and my friend's bill been charged RM5 for received call from me (he also at Hat Yai at the time of call). Better I buy new Thailand SIM card which just only from ฿49 (+-RM5 only). There are 4 main telcos (not included MVP (Mobile Virtual Provider - example in Malaysia is TuneTalk, which using CELCOM signal) which are  AISdtac, True Move dan TOT 3G.

I  went to 7-Eleven (7-E) in between Lee Garden and Pink Ladies Market. Luckily the cashier can speak a little English. She gave me dtac Happy Prepaid Tourist SIM card that cost ฿49 only. Actually with this product, I have option beetwen ฿49 and ฿299 package, which ฿299 will have unlimited free internet plan for 7 days. Because of I only at Hat Yai for 4 hours only, I took ฿49 one. For the rate, can be surfed  here.

 ฿49 dtac Happy Tourist SIM Card Pack.

The SIM card (inside the pack as above). Only have normal SIM (mini SIM) and micro SIM,my iPhone5 require nano SIM, so I need to cut by my self (I will post on future posting).

This SIM card need to be inserted into telephone first the can be topped up. After been inserted, I went to other 7-E (at Lee Garden area got a lot of 7-E) to top up by ฿60. Try to sent message to  Flexiroam  to activate cheap international roaming with very cheap unlimited call in & out (be charged only international sms for call out & Malaysian local call for call in, with daily pass just RM10 only), but no reply. Maybe wrongly in setting. 

While in frustration, suddenly got a message that can get mobile unlimited internet in a day (but 3 only can use 3G speed limit to 150MB only) with only ฿19 only. Normally it will be charged ฿49 (refer http://www.dtac.co.th/en/prepaid/products/Happy-internet-package.html), which is Malaysian telco rates are cheaper, most of them cost only RM1 to RM3 only. So, immidiately I sent the sms to apply, no need to find WiFi hotspot. Can straightly WhatApp, FB, Tweet, Instagram, and most important, to use map. Alhamdulillah.

At Lee Garden, at 2007 if niot mistaken, there was a bombing. So, it was not an issue if we want to enter the shopping complexes here (Lee Garden, Centara & Odean), we & our bag need be scanned. Just like at airport, huhuhu.

Do you realised at this instawheatherpro picture above, there was a McDonald's? Yes, they have it. While I was inside Lee Garden mall, (just in, not to buy anything, just to cool my body, eventhough there only 32 but I feel Hat Yai was hotter than KL), surveyed McD's lunch set prices. There were more expensive here that Malaysia (normal price not McValue Lunch prices, if McValue Lunch price, even more cheaper!!!) Thanks to Allah, because I stay in Malaysia, there many things cheaper than neighbour countries which not rich as we are, petrol & diesel can not be questioned, there are twice that same thing in Malaysia. Some people say Muslim can eat at McD here, I also saw some hijabed women ate, but I can not saw any halal sign, ok maybe I need to do research next time. 

Price of product that been sold in Hat Yai can be considered as cheap as Wakaf Che Yeh or Uptown at KL, so it not too cheap. I came not in time, because if want to shop with cheaper price, need to come at night, because there is a night market along the street in city centre, like Wakaf Che Yeh. But, at the day, some petty traders can be found along side walk at Pratichipat Road, Niphat Uthit 3 Road & Sanehanusorn Road, who sold clothes, watches, local crackers, nuts (which I prefer most) dan others. 

At these area, also have a lot of bazaar like Pink Lady Market at Sanehanukorn Road, not far from Lee Garden. If you will around buildings in pink colour, you are there. Beside that, other bazaars like Yongdee Market, Suntisuk Market & Asia Market in between Niphat Uthit 3 Road & Niphat Uthit 2 Road. Those bazzar offered just like side walk, but shop lot here are organised just like clothes shop lot at Jalan Masjid India at KL, just inside the building, with air conditioned & indoors. If you want to make a tailor made cloth, you can go here.  

Fried chicken, fried fresh water prawn dan other fried food also can be found here, but if want to get halla food, we need to find the sellers wearing hijab or have moon and star  or Bismillah in Arabic diagram at the stall/shop/restaurant. Th price not so expensive, 3 fried fresh water prawn XL in size about ฿200 (+-RM20). It is affordable...

Back to among objective, I need to find express bus counter to Malaysia, especially to KL. Find one at in front of Lee Garden, Konsortium Bas Ekspress Semenanjung counter. Then walk to Chee Uthit (at map above stated as Seeuthit Road, so do not confuse), not far from junction with Sanehanusorn, there is a counter of Alisan Travel & at Niphan Uthit 3 there is Sri Maju counter. Actually, at bus station, some people said that there have counters there, but it agents counters, price will be higher.  

While walking to find the counters, I founded some Muslim food restaurant, there a lot at Chee Uthit (there is Kedai Makan Kelantan, Kedai Makan Haron etc). Then Zohor (early afternoon prayer) azan been heard from my phone. I need to find musholla. But I also felt hungry.

Finally, I decided to back to Lee Garden for lunch at Hamid Restaurand. This restaurant are popular at Hat Yai, situated in front of Lee Garden, just some shop lot from Konsurtium bus counter. 

The menu be given, huh the price are more expensive than Malaysia. For example, mixed tomyam is ฿120, just beef or just chicken of pok tek (seafood) priced ฿90. Fruit juice already ฿80. Mixed fresh fruit is  ฿100.  But, I need to eat, so I orderd Pok Tek Tomyam, plain rice and fresh pandan coconut drink. The taste very good, the quantity of tomyam actually like 2 people portion... But there was only 2 medium sized prawn, then the fish meat quite a lot, the best part was the sup, the best one... The damage was  ฿205. After lunch, I to the waitress in Malay, just ask where are the nearest musholla or mosque (because when taking order from me, she ask in Malay, like Kelantanese or Pattani slang). Huk aloh (Kelantanese word for OMG), she asked other co worker. Then the co worker asked me back in English, I though that they can speak in Malay fluently. The co worker mention that I can use their musholla upstair. Alhamdullah, I no need to walk to train station to perform my jamak (combined 2 solat together) qasar (shortened) prayer (Zohor & Asar). 

Alhamdulilah, the musholla qiute clean and good in contition. After performed prayer, the watch already showed 14:30 (2:30 pm). There were an hour and a half more before the train will depart. Ok instantly to station. 

Still got a little time, so I went to Robinson first, just want to survey. Just to look at the price, mostly, price at Malaysia are at same or cheaper. To went to Tops, to buy a big bottle and a small bottle of water anda suddenly look at Coca-cola, (it seem like very delicious with hot wheater, hehehe). It a long time that I did not drink Coca Cola.

I paid for  ฿29.50. for all. Gave to casheir ฿40, and got back coins of  ฿10 and with surprised, 50 satang (about Malaysian 5 sen), which I did not have before. So, kept as collection. 

50 satang coin = +- Malaysian 5 sen

฿10 (10 Baht) coin = +- RM1

The time already 15:25 (3:25 pm), need to rush to train station where just 100m from Robinson and took a picture of Hat Yai for a last time at this journey.

Straight a way to platform 4, just sat on a bench not far from train. When I looked at the train, eh, the already somebody aboard. So, I boarded the train, there was chilled because of air condition. The at 16:10 (4:10 pm, the train moved from the station headed to Padang Besar.

As I was in the train, there was a Thai immigration officer rode the train to do his duty at Padang Besar border. I saw at back of his sport jacket, which written "Thai-Malay Immigration". I just remembered that I read some website or blog, which written by Thai people, they refer Malaysia as Malay or Malayu or Melayu. Those mean they assume that Malaysia is Malay's land. Maybe that are their perspective.

At 18:20 (6:20 pm) Malaysian time (yes, back to Malaysian time, which 1 hour ahead Thailand), the train reached at Padang Besar and did again immigration & custom prosedure again. As usual, even though Malaysian Passport just be scanned and do not be stamped by Malaysian Immigration, but I asked to the officer to stamp it, as my souvenir.

While walking around the station, I just founded KTM ticket counter. Just know, there not need to buy ticket at KL Sentral because the ticket price at KTM or ROT ticket counter at Padang Besar, the additional charge (please refer  Part 1) do not imposed here.

At Padang Besar station, we need to wait about one more hour because the train only depart at 19:30 (7:30 pm), so I have time to take picture around the station and also Padang Besar town for my memory. Insya Allah, I will come here again.

As heading back to KL, the view of sunset was very beautiful and attracting, another 11 hour will arrived at KL. I need to perform Maghrib (sunset prayer) & Isyak (night prayer) jamak qasar in the train. Using spray for ablution at this time. We must do what Allah asked us to do wherever we are.  

After prayer, I felt my tiredness. Along the journey, I just slept... Finally I arrived at KL Sentral, straight away went to prayer room to perform Subuh prayer. After that, went to place where I parked my motocycle to back to home. Home sweet home.

That my experience of return train journey to Hat Yai. Very exiciting and tiring also. Insya Allah, when I have time, I will do again. In nearer time, I will do train journey to south on March 2014. Wait for the posting. 

The most importtant, as far we go, as broad our view (JAUH PERJALANAN LUAS PERMANDANGAN (juga pandangan)). There alot of experiences even though just only less than two days. See again, ilal likok, massalamah, assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarukatuh. 

Kembara GD - Exploring World, Knowing Life...

Or, if want to see Part 1 Back.

To see itinerary .

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